Saturday, May 2, 2009

Last News!


Since the last time we wrote you, too many things happened..

Here we will talk you briefly about all the events:

Long and Relay national championships
We had 6.5km in a really hard terrain. Joana was 1st, Isabel was 3rd and Mariana was 4th.
11º Ori jovem
Were 6 days of trainings in Pataias..
Training camp for the selection team
One day after Orijovem, Mariana went to this trainning camp in Mora, where we ran in some maps from POM'09.
WSCO'09- Madrid
We were in Madrid since 14th to 20th of April. The results:
Long distance:
7th - Joana
8th - Mariana
29th - Isabel
Middle distance:
5th - Joana
6th - Mariana
17th - Isabel
Our team was 4th..
the portuguese delagation :p

our team..
Preparation to the middle and sprint championships with Ori-Estarreja
In last weekend Joana and Isabel participed in some trains to prepare the next competition.
Now, we are in a training camp in S. Pedro do Sul, where was POM 2007, with the portuguese selection team.
In the next weeks, we will have a lot of tests and works from the school, but in the next weekend, we will have the National Champinships of middle and sprint distance, so, we will try write you about this competition, soon.
Good bye,

1 comment:

RamonLoures said...

parabens pelo excelente blog que fizeram e pelo desempenho que tem nas provas de orientação.
não deixem a ana coradinho vos passar à frente no ranking nacional, porque ela tem um bocado de mania, por isso façam-me esse favor e digo ainda que as 3 são giras.
Ramon Loures

desculpem lá as brincadeiras :D