Hello everyone!
After a very tiring week, we enjoyed the weekend for resting a little bit (what's possible, of course xD).
Joana and Isabel were going to have a School Sport training, this morning, close to Santo Tirso, however the weather was TERRIBLE and they had do cancel it :/ (it's going to be next saturday). Mariana was also going to run in a competition organized by her club in Oeiras, however we needed time for recovering from the Iberian Championship.
As you can see, laranjitas are going to have a weekend without orienteering or maps (WEATHER DOESN'T HELPS!), so we have to surrend us to catching features (and books -.-', books, works, oral presentations, baaahhhhh - school! ).
Joana and Isabel were going to have a School Sport training, this morning, close to Santo Tirso, however the weather was TERRIBLE and they had do cancel it :/ (it's going to be next saturday). Mariana was also going to run in a competition organized by her club in Oeiras, however we needed time for recovering from the Iberian Championship.
As you can see, laranjitas are going to have a weekend without orienteering or maps (WEATHER DOESN'T HELPS!), so we have to surrend us to catching features (and books -.-', books, works, oral presentations, baaahhhhh - school! ).
The pictures that you will see are from our summer month in Sweden!! (we miss Swedeennnnn!)
in action !
Good weekend for everyone!
Hemos puesto un linck a vuestro blog..!!
Ponernolo a nosotros tmbien..xD !!
Estou a tentar recompor-me do primeiro comment. Digamos que o nickname deles é MUITO BOMMM!!
Enfim, sempre que estiverem em baixo a pensar em trabalhos e livros, reconfortem-se com a ideia de que não são só vocês :) EU TAMBÉM! Sabem qual a importância da sociedade nas decisões que tomamos acerca do nosso corpo, que o ideal de mulher no México é uma mulher baixa, gorda e estrábica e ainda que quem se veste de preto está para sempre excluido da sociedade? Bem, é claro que sabem (talvez excepto a parte da mulher mexicana :P), mas memso assim pedem-me um trabalho sobre isso usando termos que não lembram a ninguém. Digamos que é uma coisa que também me faz sentir algo ridícula LOOOL Mas tem de ser, enquanto me pedirem para falar em contrução social dos corpos e não me pedirem para falar nas reacções que transformam cetonas em álcoóis ou aldeídos em cetonas ou whatever ando feliz. LOOOL
Este blog está a ter algum sucesso, parece :P
salen....como el o-ringen no hay nada ^^
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